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    In the ‘Planning’ module you can manage tasks and activities that need to be carried out in your organization. You can define action items, assign responsibility for these action items and track progress. The module helps you to understand what needs to be done and when.

    If you select ‘Planning’ on the left side, the following options appear:

    • All tasks;
    • Monitoring agenda.

    All tasks

    If you select ‘All tasks’, an overview of all created generic tasks will appear. For these tasks, the following are displayed:

    • tags;
    • person(s) responsible;
    • linked to;
    • priority (prio);
    • deadline.

    Creating tasks

    Generic task

    On the right side of the screen the button ‘Create Task’ is shown. When you click on it you get the opportunity to create a generic task. Within the pop-up screen you can describe the task, select a deadline, add extra notes, prioritize and select the responsible person(s). In addition, you can attach one or more tags to this task and include it in the monitoring calendar. Finally, you can save or cancel the task.

    Specific task

    In a number of screens you have the option to create a specific task. At the bottom of the screen you will find the button ‘Create Task’. If you select this button a pop-up window will appear. Within the screen you can describe the task, select a deadline, include and prioritize extra notes and select responsible person(s). You can also link one or more tags to this task and include it in the monitoring calendar. You can then save or cancel the task.

    Creating a specific task can be done from the following screens from the interface:

    • Norms, provided you have selected a specific standard;
    • Control measures, provided that you have selected a specific control measure;
    • Risk assessment, provided you have selected a specific risk assessment;
    • Monitoring Report, provided you have selected specific monitoring report;
    • Monitoring Agenda;
    • Inbox, provided you have selected a specific items;
    • Legal Framework, provided you have selected a specific item;
    • Radar, provided you have selected a specific radar topic;
    • Consultations, provided you have selected a specific consultation.


    It is also possible to create a subtask under a generic or specific task. You can do this by clicking on the task in question. In the pop-up, a box with subtasks will appear. In this box you can, just like a generic or specific task, describe the subtask, select a start date and deadline, include and prioritize extra notes and select responsible person(s). In addition, you can attach one or more tags to this subtask and include it in the monitoring agenda. You can then save or cancel the subtask.

    Task template

    Do you usually follow a standard set of steps when implementing legislative changes? As an administrator you can create a task template to help you make this process more efficient. You can do this by going to ‘management’ and clicking on ‘task templates’. Here you can click the blue button ‘task template’ to describe the task and link any tags. After saving, the template will appear in the overview of the management page task templates. You can create a subtask by clicking on the title of the task template. For example, a task template could be created with the title: ‘Implementation of legislative changes’ with associated subtasks such as doing the ‘impact analysis’, ‘gap analysis’, and the ‘gap closing’.

    Once the administrator has performed the actions above, the user only needs to attach a task to a topic or news item selecting the ‘Implementation of legislative changes’ template. All subtasks are then automatically added to the system.

    Completing a task

    You can complete a task by clicking on the radio button for the task. If you select it, a pop-up window will appear in which you can complete the task. It is possible to add a motivation and a monitoring report(s). If you then click on save, the task is crossed out. The next time you load the page, the task will be removed from the schedule.

    Search function

    The search function allows you to search within the ‘Tasks’.

    Filter function

    By default you will see your own tasks, but with the filter function you can also filter on:

    • Linked to;
    • My tasks, everyone’s tasks;
    • Status;
    • Tags;
    • Departments.

    Monitoring agenda

    If you select ‘Monitoring agenda’ you get an overview of all the created generic and specific tasks that are indicated to be included in the monitoring agenda.

    You can also see what the tasks are linked to, which tags belong to them, who is responsible, what priority the task has and when the deadline is. At the top right is a button that allows you to create a new generic task.

    At the far right of the screen there is an ‘export’ button. With this button it is possible to make an Excel printout of all the tasks in the monitoring agenda.