Ruler helps you to:
Understand legislative changes and their implications for your organization
Gain insight into what the legislative change entails and what is relevant for your organization
Easily perform gap analysis and take action to close gaps
Record all steps of your implementation process in a transparent audit trail
4 steps
The traditional process of implementing new legislation is time-consuming and error-prone. Once legal experts identify a proposed law as relevant to the organization, they must manually translate complex legal texts into clear, actionable formats. Regulatory Change simplifies and structures this process in four key steps:
Create your own package
Complete package (all available laws)
Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)
European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS)
Wet toekomst pensioenen (WTP)
Artificial Intelligence Act (AI)
Markets in crypto assets Regulation (MiCA)
Herziening PSD2 (PSD3 en PSR)
Ruler editors
The Ruler editorial team consists of consultants from Projective Group: experienced lawyers with extensive knowledge in the fields of compliance, risk management, and financial and privacy law. They are responsible for the content of Ruler and ensure that it perfectly aligns with your daily practice.